Genus and species: Amorphophallus titanum
Common names: Flor Cadáver (Corpse Flower), Titan Arum, "bunga bangkai" (Indonesian for "corpse" or "cadaver flower")
Characteristics and Habitat:
- Native to Sumatra, Indonesia; endangered due to habitat loss with fewer than 1,000 individuals in the wild
- The plant grows from an underground tuber called a corm, which stores energy
- Corms must weigh at least 20 lbs to bloom; the largest recorded corm is 339 lbs
Growth Cycle:
- Sprouts a large leaf stalk, remaining for 12-18 months before dying back and going dormant for ~6 months
- This cycle repeats for 5-10 years before the plant blooms
- Blooming frequency varies and is unpredictable; the flower smells like rotting flesh to attract carrion flies/beetles for pollination
- The flower stays open for 24-48 hours before wilting
- Cataphylls drying and falling off signal the flower will open in 2-3 days
Blooming Process:
- Spadix structure heats up (90-98°F) to release odor and attract pollinators
- Male and female flowers grow in rings around the spadix base; female flowers open first, followed by male flowers to prevent self-pollination

Mitchell Park Domes Conservatory Bloom Timeline:
- Original corm obtained from UW Madison's greenhouse around 2007. Parks have 8 cloned off-shoot corms
- "Pepe le Pew" initial bloom June 2018
- "Pig Pen" initial bloom July 2021
- "Stinkerbelle" initial bloom August 2021
- "Musky" initial bloom July 2023
- "U'Reeka" initial bloom May 2024
- "Penelope" initial bloom June 2024
- "Pepe le Pew" second bloom (6 years after initial) alongside "Penelope" in June 2024